Public Health Summer Institute
Thank you for our time together at the 2024 Montana Public Health Summer Institute!
With any luck, you’re eager to geek out about growth mindset. Emerging leaders, established leaders, parents, grandparents — in short, humans — can benefit from this approach to adapting and learning.
Over the past decade, I’ve sought out and stumbled upon books, podcasts, and tools that fortified my growth-mindset journey. In turn, they’ve made a BIG difference for my team members, my clients, and my kids.
For the first time ever, these absolute favorite resources are compiled in a single, colorful spot: The “Growth-Mindset Gear” PDF. You’ll find links to make it easy to move forward.
We covered a lot of growth-mindset concepts and strategies today. As you look ahead, would you like to have a strategy partner with you for the next step of your growth-mindset journey? It would be my honor.
Today only, I invite you to sign up for a Power Up laser-focused coaching session:
You choose one specific “pain point” for us to focus on: The situation you’re dealing with (or need to deal with) that would transform with an infusion of growth-mindset insight.
The situation may be your own – a challenge you’re tackling personally:
An aspect of your new role
A project or responsibility that’s been assigned to you; or
Even a hobby or family-related topic.
Alternatively, you may want to focus on supporting someone else while they grow:
A promising new hire who’s struggling with a key skill set
A direct report who’s resisting a newly-assigned collaboration, or
An emerging leader adapting to expanded responsibilities.
Beforehand, you tell me about your situation in a brief online questionnaire.
Together, we give it our full attention in a 45-minute video coaching session. You get the benefit of my Growth-Mindset Gear resources (and beyond), plus the experience I’ve gained – and personalities and team dynamics I’ve navigated – in…
Eight years advising leadership teams and coaching individual leaders
Five years on the senior-management team of a $1 billion community bank, and
A combined 15 years serving on nonprofit boards of directors.
You log off from our video coaching session equipped with one or two spot-on strategies to use personally or apply in support of someone else. I would be so thrilled to support you!
All for $275 $97...if you sign up today!